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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

spread the vids part 2!

Okay, ara memang dah lama follow them. Kalau lah si Fathi tak cakap pasal video2 ni, I wouldn't knew about 'em. I love all of their vids. They have their own different messages to be deliver in every videos they make. The video I love the most is the one about Poligami, I'm impressed with the way they present the video and how they gained the info 'bout it and the most important, they have their own references, not based on their 'own' idea. Sounds much coolio right?

Ultimately, I love all of their videos. Have fun watching it, and I would be happy to share all of 'em in my blog.

This one maybe adapt from one of Fatimah Syarha's book. 'Cinta High Class'

Antara my most fav video :)

I like this vid the most sbb kematangan dorang terserlah dlm video ini and most important how I'm impressed the way they gained the info about this issue. [p/s: the background music is one of my fav song]

AWWW :'D I love this vid.

I did cry. Above all, this the most that touched my heart. InsyaAllah,if they keep doing these videos, it guides me somehow to do more good deeds. May Allah bless them, they are truly good guys.

New upcoming videos:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Asasi War Games 2012

Oh yeah, walaupun dah lama berlalu Asasi War Games ni, I still cherish the moment in that short time of 3 days camping at Kem Lambaian Danau, Jasin, Melaka. Pada 3-5 September 2012, we had a great time indeed even though at first, we were having kind of tiring week of final exam. So, after Algebra's final exam at that morning finished, we had our breakfast at Pusat Asasi Pertanian then bergerak ikut bas masing-masing. Kesian Zulu-ian for Jasin's, kitaorang kena sharing bas so we didn't know our team completely yet. So for myself, I got to share bus with team Sierra. Sebelum bertolak, some of us realised that our Prof Mahiran, Pengarah of Pusat Asasi and Dr Norihan doing some sentimental value by sending us off from UPM.

Once we arrived at Kem Lambaian Danau, Jasin, Melaka, the first impression about that camp was the place are located surrounded by lake. Ada juga penduduk tempatan yang menjalankan ternakan ikan air tawar dan tempat memancing.

AKTIVITI hari pertama (3th Sept):

Ground briefing by the founder of the camp known as Pak Let. He gave us briefing about Kem Lambaian Danau. Beliau memilih Tok Batin (Hafizuddin) yg akan memastikan kebajikan kami semua di kem tersebut dan Mak Dara (Hamizah) yg bertanggungjawab memastikan setiap kumpulan bergilir-gilir membantu di dapur dengan membantu basuh pinggan sambil mengenali orang-orang di dapur yg bertanggungjawab menyediakan makanan kami sebanyak 5 kali sehari.

Seterusnya, aktiviti pasang khemah. Interesting part is there are different name of each camping site, and I got medium-sized camping site named Bukit Kecil which is enough for 6 tents there. Before starting set up the tent, we were given a short demo on how to put up a tent. 3-4 per person for each tent. Rakan sekhemah saya ialah Aqila and Izzah. Selepas itu, para pelajar perempuan diminta berkumpul di Dataran Insan manakala lelaki diminta berkumpul di tempat berlainan.
Pelajar perempuan beratur mengikut kumpulan masing-masing, dan ditugaskan untuk memakai jaket keselamatan. Kemudian, kumpulan 10 hingga 6 bergerak dahulu ke tasik untuk aktiviti Water Confident diikuti kumpulan 5 hingga 1.

Aktiviti ini khas untuk melatih daya keyakinan ketika waktu-waktu kecemasan semasa kem ini berlangsung kerana terdapat beberapa aktiviti yg dijalankan di tasik tersebut. Antara cara-caranya ialah terapungkan diri di atas permukaan air dengan tenang. Ia penting untuk tidak panik supaya anda terus terapung dan tidak tenggelam. Kemudian, kami membuat bulatan apabila sampai di tempat fasilitator berada lebih kurang 50 m dari tepi tasik. Kami juga diajar tentang teknik-teknik berenang yang betul. Bagi pelajar lelaki, difahamkan mereka berjogging ke luar kem dan berkumpul di sebuah kawasan lapang. Mereka diberi aktiviti Pertandingan Fotogenik. Ianya bertujuan untuk melatih pelajar berfikir secara pantas tentang apa-apa perlakuan atau pergerakan yang menggambarkan tema kumpulan masing-masing iaitu, Alpha Ayam, Bravo Beruk, Charlie Cacing, Echo Elephant, Oscar Orang Utan, Sierra Siput, Romeo Rabbit, Zulu Zebra, Tango Tikus dan Delta Dubuk.

Pada malam pertama, berkumpul di Dewan dan memulakan aktiviti Ice Breaking. Kami diberi masa lebih kurang 30 minit dan ditugaskan untuk mencipta cheers kumpulan masing-masing. Kumpulan saya, Zulu Zebra yang mengaitkan haiwan Zebra dengan tarian Gangnam Style. Selepas kali kedua mempersembahkan cheers kami kepada Pak Let, baru cheers kami diterima sepenuhnya. Bak kata Pak Let, cheers menggambarkan kerjasama dalam kumpulan dan dinilai mengikut kesungguhan setiap orang di dalam kumpulan tersebut.

Aktiviti seterusnya ialah Night Walk. Tidak dinafikan perasaan takut membelenggu diri setiap orang. Namun, beberapa doa dibaca sebelum bergerak ke tempat berkumpul yang sebenar. Setelah menyusuri jalan masuk ke dalam hutan, dan berkumpul di suatu kawasan yang lapang, kami bergilir-gilir untuk memulakan aktiviti Night Walk. Aktiviti ini adalah antara aktiviti-aktiviti yang menarik kerana ia bermula di sebuah jalan denai dan kami hanya perlu mengikut tali yang disediakan yg diikat pada pokok-pokok. Dengan bantuan cahaya bulan, kami tidak dibekalkan dengan apa-apa seperti lampu suluh. Aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk mengujikan daya ketahanan kita secara fizikal dan mental serta menjadikan kita lebih berani. Pelajar lelaki diarahkan bergerak secara berdua, bertiga dan berempat untuk memulakan aktiviti Night Walk tersebut. Apabila tiba giliran pelajar perempuan, kami diarahkan bergerak secara bertiga, berlima dan ada yang secara berseorangan. Mengikut pengalaman saya, laluan yg kami lalui ada yg dicelah pokok, dan setiap jarak dlm beberapa meter, kami akan berjumpa dgn fasilitator. Ada yg menyorok dan ada yg menyergah, ini kerana memastikan kami berada dlm keadaan normal. Bahagian yg menarik dlm aktiviti Night Walk ini ialah apabila kami berada di penghujung jalan dimana di hadapan kami hanya ada lampu suluh yg terang menyilau seperti jatuh di atas tanah, di sebelah kiri ada pokok yang bergoyang, disebelah kanan ada bunyi yg kurang menyenangkan serta tali yg sudah tiada. Kumpulan saya yang berlima hanya tenang dan ternampak di hadapan sebuah jalan denai yg sgt kecil berhadapan kawasan lapang dimana kesemua yg sudah habis menjalani aktiviti Night Walk sedang memerhati.

AKTIVITI hari kedua (4th Sept):

Tepat pukul 7 pagi, kami berkumpul di Dataran Insan untuk bersedia membuat senaman yg diketuai oleh Pak Let kemudian baru kami bersarapan. Selepas itu, kami berkumpul di dalam kumpulan masing-masing bersama fasilitator untuk taklimat mereka cipta rakit untuk aktiviti Rakit Race. Mengikut kata fasilitator kumpulan Zulu Zebra, Abang Hafiz, tujuan membina rakit secara berkumpulan penting dengan cara bekerjasama memilih buluh yang sesuai, mengikat tali rakit dengan betul dan mengikut arahan fasilitator, cara menyusun buluh-buluh di atas tiub dengan betul. Kesemua aspek-aspek ini penting untuk memastikan rakit tidak rosak ketika menempuh 4 laluan yg mencabar. Kumpulan kami diarahkan untuk bergerak mengikut laluan D, B, C, A. Dengan semangat yg kental, kumpulan Zulu cuba berakit dengan jumlah 6 orang setiap laluan cuba bersaing dengan 4 kumpulan yang lain. Namun, rakit kami pecah apabila tiba untuk laluan yg terakhir iaitu laluan A yg mempunyai cabaran pokok rumpai yg begitu banyak dan menyukarkan pergerakan rakit kami. Kumpulan Zulu hanya mendapat tempat yg kedua terakhir.

Namun begitu, semangat kami tidak pernah pudar. Selepas makan tengah hari, aktiviti seterusnya ialah Danau Exploration Race. Untuk memastikan kami bergerak di atas track yg betul, kami perlu mengikuti laluan yg ada sehelai bendera oren. Aktiviti ini mempunyai beberapa task.
Task 1 ialah OTOS yg membawa maksud 1 Team 1 Spirit. Ianya bermula dgn aktiviti Water-Tubing yg memerlukan 4 orang, 2 orang lelaki dan 2 orang perempuan. Tujuan aktiviti in dijalankan adalah memupuk semangat bekerjasama untuk tidak terpisah antara satu sama lain. Dengan cara kaki dikepit pada tiub orang dihadapan dan tangan bebas berenang menuju ke bendera biru yg bertanda B, dan berenang secara Water-Tubing untuk kembali ke darat. Aktiviti ini agak mencabar dan memerlukan tahap kesabaran yg tinggi.
Task 2 pula ialah kami ditugaskan menjual kuih dalam masa yg singkat dan mengumpulkan duit hasil jualan sebanyak RM 30. Aktiviti ini bertujuan melatih pelajar untuk pandai menarik pelanggan, berjual beli di sekitar kawasan kampung dalam masa yg singkat dan yg paling penting, berbudi bahasa ketika berjual beli.
Task 3 ialah bertempat di kubur, dan kami ditugaskan untuk mencari 5 nama yang meninggal dunia pada tahun yg sama. Tujuan aktiviti ini diadakan untuk menguji daya ingatan dan ketangkasan seseorang.
Task 4 pula bertajuk "Rugi Tidak Tolong Emak di Dapur". Tugas kami disitu ialah dengan berbekalkan 2 helai daun kelapa dan diarahkan menganyam apa-apa makanan disebut oleh fasilitator yg bertugas. Pada mulanya kumpulan Zulu Zebra diarahkan menganyam kuih bingka namun dengan belas ihsan fasilitator disitu, kami diarahkan hanya menganyam ketupat.
Task 5 pula ialah kami dikehendaki menjawab soalan Matematik mengenai soalan Probability. Ianya bertujuan untuk kami berfikiran dengan pantas tanpa menggunakan apa-apa seperti kalkulator.
Task 6 pula bertempat di Grand Canyon. Mengikut arahan yg diberikan, kami berpeluang untuk menjadi orang kampung dengan mengharungi paya lumpur yg sedalam paras pinggang. Kami juga mesti memastikan ada kesan lumpur tidak kira di muka mahupun di tangan.
Task 7 pula tidak jauh dari Grand Canyon dimana kami ditugaskan mempersembahkan cheers kami dgn penuh semangat di hadapan fasilitator yg bertugas sehingga mereka berpuas hati dgn tahap kesungguhan kami.
Task 8 pula bertajuk "Siapa lebih Tinggi". Tugas ini memerlukan beberapa orang untuk membaca mesej di atas kertas berwarna kuning yg ditampal pada pokok yg tinggi. Untuk kumpulan kami, ahli kumpulan kami, Zol dan Tasneem bekerjasama untuk aktiviti ini dan tidak sampai beberapa minit kami sudah menyelesaikan tugas ini.
Task 9 juga tidak jauh dari tempat Task 8. Kami diarahkan merentasi sebuah paya dengan senyap sambil diperhatikan oleh Pak Let. Sekiranya kami gagal bergerak secara berkumpulan dgn senyap, kami akan diarah untuk merentas paya itu sekali lagi. Semangat kerjasama amat diperlukan kerana untuk memberitahu secara berbisik kepada orang di belakang tentang laluan mana yg harus dilalui supaya tidak terlalu dalam, ada batu dan sebagainya. Sampai sahaja di tebing, lumpur disitu agak liat dan untuk naik ke darat amat memerlukan bantuan dari ahli-ahli yg sudah berada di atas tebing dan disitu semangat tolong-menolong ditonjolkan.
Task 10 sebaik sampai ke kem kembali, kami diminta mengumpulkan botol-botol dan batu-batu yg dikutip semasa berhampiran Grand Canyon. Ini sebagai tanda kami berjaya melalui laluan yg mempunyai checkpoint yg tertentu.
Sebaik habis aktiviti Danau Exploration Race, kami beredar ke tasik untuk membersihkan diri selepas itu bersedia untuk aktiviti di malam hari.

Selepas selesai menunaikan solat Jamak Maghrib-Isya', aktiviti yg diadakan ialah BBQ dan juga persembahan dari setiap kumpulan. Kami dihidangkan dengan juadah BBQ yg menyelerakan setelah seharian menjalani aktiviti yg sangat mencabar. Selesai kami berkumpul mengikut kumpulan, kami diberi masa lebih kurang satu jam untuk memikirkan persembahan mengikut tema yg diberikan oleh Pak Let iaitu untuk Kumpulan Zulu Zebra iaitu tema kemerdekaan. Kami mempersembahkan sebuah sketsa mengenai sebuah keluarga yg sedang bersantai menonton televisyen. Di saluran TV yg pertama memaparkan berita yg sedang menghebahkan kpd orang ramai tentang kemerdekaan. Di saluran TV yg kedua pula memaparkan sebuah temu ramah oleh seorang wartawan menemu ramah remaja generasi Y tentang pendapat mereka mengenai makna kemerdekan bagi mereka. Dan terakhir di saluran TV yg ketiga memaparkan sebuah kumpulan koir yg menyanyi lagu 'Tanggal 31 Ogos'. Selepas aktiviti persembahan, penyampaian hadiah diadakan. Kumpulan Zulu memenangi anugerah 'Kumpulan Paling Santai'.Sebelum beredar untuk bersedia untuk tidur, kami diberikan taklimat mengenai War Games dan carta permainan yg siap direka oleh para fasilitator.

AKTIVITI hari terakhir (5th Sept):

Pada pukul 7.30 pagi, kami berkumpul di Dataran Insan dan bersenam mengikut senaman yg direka khas oleh Pak Let. Selepas itu, kami bersarapan di Dewan beramai-ramai seperti biasa. Kemudian, kami berkumpul kembali di Dataran Insan dan diberi taklimat ringkas oleh orang Kanan Pak Let mengenai aktiviti kami yang terakhir iaitu War Games. Terdapat beberapa peraturan yg kami patut patuhi iaitu pelajar lelaki hanya boleh membunuh dengan cara membaling telur ayam dan pastikan pecah pada Jeneral iaitu ketua pihak lawan ataupun lelaki pihak lawan. Hanya perempuan yg berpeluang untuk membunuh Jeneral pihak lawan, lelaki pihak lawan mahupun perempuan pihak lawan. Selepas itu, kami bergerak ke paya lumpur terakhir yg kami telah pergi pada hari kedua. Setiap 10 kumpulan digabungkan menjadi 5 kumpulan. Kumpulan kami Zulu Zebra bergabung dgn Kumpulan Echo Elephant sebagai Kumpulan A. Tujuan yg jelas tentang gabungan kedua-dua kumpulan ini ialah membina semangat kerjasama di antara kedua-dua kumpulan secara pantas dan membina kepercayaan antara satu sama lain dalam mempertahankan Jeneral masing-masing. Kumpulan A ini berjaya hingga ke semi-final namun tidak berjaya untuk masuk ke final. Namun begitu, kenangan berperang di dalam lumpur amat berharga dan tidak boleh dilupakan.

Selepas habis War Games, kami bergerak beramai-ramai ke tempat lapang untuk mengeringkan badan masing-masing sebelum bergerak ke arah tasik membersihkan diri masing-masing. Kemudian, selepas habis makan tengah hari dan solat jamak, aktiviti penutup bermula. Aktiviti penutup bermula dengan ucapan penghargaan dari Pak Let, ucapan dari Tok Batin dan juga ucapan dari Pengarah Pusat Asasi Pertanian, Prof Mahiran. Seusai aktiviti penutup, penyampaian hadiah bagi pemenang keseluruhan aktiviti diberikan kepada kumpulan Delta Dubuk. Kemudian, kami dipulangkan kembali barang-barang berharga seperti handphone dan dompet. Kami bergerak ke bas masing-masing. Sebelum bas-bas mula bergerak, kami mengambil kesempatan bergambar di hadapan Kem Lambaian Danau bersama fasilitator masing-masing.
Pada lebih kurang pukul 5 petang, akhirnya kami sampai di Universiti Putra Malaysia dengan selamat.

SEKIAN, full reviews of our activities during Asasi War Games. Harap dpt membantu dan part kaitan War Games dgn pertanian, boleh fikir-fikirkan sendiri :)

21th October 2012, Sunday 8:38 p.m

Saturday, October 13, 2012

To The Beautiful You OST

SM's artist. Girl generation's Sunny and f(x)'s Luna.

title of the song: It's me

Sunny   Luna

Saranghae saranghae saranghae
Cheon beoneul malhaedo mojara
geuriwo geuriwo geuriun sunkanmada deo geuriwo

Bureugo bureugo bureumyeon
Jakkuman tteooreuneun eolkul
Barago barago baramyeon
Eonjenkan niga nae mam arajulkka
Ojing neobakke moreuneun geureon naya
Neomaneul saranghae jul saram baro naya
Neol mannan sesangi
Naegen gijeok gateun ilira keureon geoya
Ojing neomaneul wonhaneun geureon naya
Neomaneul jikyeo jul saramdo baro naya
Ni gyeote neoman paraboneun geuge naya miryeonhan naya
Ni eolkul keurida jamdeulmyeon
Kkumsogeseorado mannalkka
Wonhago wonhago wonhamyeon
Eonjenkan niga nae mam arajulkka
Ojing neobakke moreuneun geureon naya
Neomaneul saranghae jul saram baro naya
Neol mannan sesangi
Naegen gijeok gateun ilira keureon geoya
Ojing neomaneul wonhaneun geureon naya
Neomaneul jikyeo jul saramdo baro naya
Ni gyeote neoman paraboneun geuge naya
Nae maeumi malhajanha
Neoppunirago malhajanha
Neoreul neoman saranghaneun ireon naya ike naya
Ojing negeman deullyeo jul sarangyaegi
Han sarammaneul saranghaetdan geureon yaegi
Honjaman ganjikhae
Amudo moreuneun sarangi baro naya
Ojing neol wiihae bureuneun sarang norae
Ojing naegeman teullineun geureon norae
[Lu/Sun] Neul gyeote negeman deullyeo jul
[Lu/Sun] Sarang norae bureuneun naya

Friday, October 12, 2012

To the Beautiful You full episodes ( 아름다운 그대에게)

Well, I love watching this drama. They said it's Hana Kimi's drama Korean version hah I love it! But throughout this drama, I realised the star casting in this drama are most of SM's artist.

aaa Sulli so cute, a girl with a boy who adores her in quiet that Eun Gyul, and another guy admires her all this while that the new cast, then all of sudden, Minho likes her. What a cute love story ;)

Here's the interesting background about this drama. 
On 10 March 2011, SM Entertainment announced that they had acquired the rights to the manga, "Hana Kimi" and would be filming its Korean adaption. Representatives revealed, "The Korean version will have a total of 16 episodes that draw out stories of hopes and dreams. It’s a teenage comedy with a cute, but strong storyline and a slew of handsome cast members. We’re planning to begin airing it this summer."
Rumors circulated that SHINee's Choi Minho and f(x)'s Sulli would portray the two leads and on April 26, 2012 it was confirmed that they had been casted in the lead roles. It was also announced that Jun Ki-sang would be directing and that it would air in the latter half of the year on SBS. On May 24th, 2012 the title was revealed to be "To The Beautiful You" and would be written by Lee Young-chul, screenwriter of the High Kick! series. On June 6th, ZE:A's Kwang-hee was confirmed for the drama and that Infinite's L was reviewing the offer to join, as he would have to juggle overseas schedules with filming.On June 7th Seo Jun-young was confirmed to be part of the cast. On June 8th, it was announced that Kang Kyung-joon would be cast as the cool, but comical track coach, Ki Tae-young as the school nurse who discovers Jae-hee's identity, Lee Young-eun as a teacher caught in a love triangle with the two, Kang Ha-neul as Tae-joon's rival, and Ahn Hye-kyung and Lee Han Wee were also cast. After previous discussions for the role, Lee Hyun Woo was finally confirmed as Cha Eun-gyul. Kim Ji-won was cast June 14th and Yoo Min-kyu was announced to play Young-mahn on July 10th.
The first script reading took place on June 7th at the SBS Ilsan Production Center. On July 9th, Minho, Sulli, Kwanghee and members of  were spotted taking part of a photoshoot for the drama. In preparation for his role as Tae-joon, Minho received personal training from coach Kim Tae-young, former national high jump athlete and a member of the Korea Association of Athletics Federations, for a month and a half. His personal record at the end of July was 175 cm. Filming began at the beginning of July. In an interview with Vogue Girl Korea, Minho confirmed that the drama would broadcast on August 15th, rather than the initially scheduled August 8th.  Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies was used to film for the all-male school, Genie Athletic High School, and Anmyeondo was used to film the summer vacation scenes. The first scene Choi Min-ho filmed was a high jump scene. For the high jump scene, 105 high-speed cameras were used to film the high jumping in bullet time.

So grab your popcorn and let's start watching it. ( p/s: I'm listing this drama for those who want to catch up with this drama. I know it's already finish airing )

Full credits to : guzzylady
















Sunday, August 12, 2012


Oh well, well. Surprises.

Too much happened to me lately.
Some are great and some are not.
I scored 122  pins in Bowling for 1 game which is I can play my fav game as usually I do and I didnt have any backpain like I used to.
I start to schedule my time which is my lazyness had gone away and never came back, I hope?
Now, I feel carefree about lab reports because I'm busy with preparing presentations.
I had checked my smp and I got quite great result. I guess that study in groups really improving.
I start to missing my parents which means I love them so much and afraid to lose them but if Allah love them so much and take them away, I'm ready to take care of my siblings very well and I must eye on them until they success in their life.
Now I know the true colour of life, dont ask me how but you must go through it to know 'life' better.
Amazing is I missed my third brother da** much, it is quite funny cause when he's home. Our fav activity is quarelling.

Thank you Allah, because inside me there is always a voice that leads me to a better life. I'm saying this because every time I had the urge to try new thing which is not good to me.
And everything happened to me, I know there are many reasons that I didn't know but He knows.

Until here, need to go.

12th August 2012, 6.23pm
Song of the day: Give your heart a break by Demi Lovato

Sunday, July 29, 2012


It's my first er no second drama in my waiting list. I haven't finish watching it yet and I tried to search the best link for this drama and yeah! I got it.

So, here's the interesting plot for all of you who are interested for this drama.
18-year-old Kang Gyung-Joon's (Shin Won-Ho) spirit suddenly finds itself in the body of 30-year-old Seo Yoon Jae (Gong Yoo) . Seo-Yon-Jae is a successful doctor and engaged to high school teacher Gil Da-Ran (Lee Min-Jung). Gil Da-Ran just so happens to be the teacher of 18-year old Kang Gyung-Joon. More problems ensue when 30-year-old Seo Yoon Jae falls in love with another woman (Bae Suzy).
Da-Ran (Lee Min-Jung), currently preparing to take for her teacher's exam, goes to a wedding hall to deliver a bouquet. When she hands over the bouquet Da-Ran discovers the bride is a friend of hers. Da-Ran also makes the uncomfortable realization that she wasn't invited to her friend's wedding. She stays at the wedding and gives money to the couple as a wedding gift. Da-Ran then eats lunch at the wedding alone. She then receives a phone call that the bouquet was delivered to the wrong bride and she needs to get it back. Da-Ran attempts to catch the bouquet at the end of the wedding, but bumps into a man named Yoon-Jae (Gong Yoo). Due to the bump, Da-Ran falls down the stairs and is hospitalized. As fate has it, her doctor at the hospital is Yoon-Jae, the man she bumped into at the wedding. Their relationship develops into a romantic relationship and one month later they plan to get married.
Now, Da-Ran works as a temporary teacher at a high school, while preparing for her exam to become a teacher. When she goes to work on the bus, she listens to her own story that she wrote in to the radio station. Da-Ran gets off the bus and a young man Gyung-Joon (Shin Won-Ho) gets off at the same bus stop. Da-Ran mistakenly believes the young man likes her. It turns out that Da-Ran took his umbrella on the bus and Gyung-Joon is a student at the high school where she works. High school student Gyung-Joon lived in the United States with his mother, but after his mother died came back to South Korea.
Da-Ran's wedding approaches and she is excited, but Yoon-Jae acts differently. Yoon-Jae seems to be avoiding Da-Ran. On the day they are to look for a new home, Yoon-Jae calls that he can't make it and Da-Ran bursts into tears. She asks if Yoon-Jae really loves her or just feels responsible for her and then hangs up. She doesn't know what to do. Then, her student Gyung-Joon sees her and takes her on a ride on his motorcycle. They go out to a lake, outside of Seoul. While looking at the water, Yoon-Jae calls Da-Ran and tells her that he will give her the answer to her question. Meanwhile, Gyung-Joon gets back on his motorcycle and leaves.
Yoon-Jae drives out to meet Da-Ran by the lake. Meanwhile, Gyung-Joon is leaving the area on his motorcycle. As the two approach each other, an accident occurs in front of them. They both try to avoid the car crash and both drive into the water.
As Yoon-Jae's car sinks deeper into the water, he manages to get out of the car, but sees high school student Gyung-Joon sinking past him. Yoon-Jae grabs him and goes back up to the surface.
At the hospital, Yoon-Jae is declared dead. Da-Ran rushes to the hospital and cries in front of the hospital mortuary. Then, Yoon-Jae suddenly wakes up. When he sees himself in the mirror he is shocked. He has Yoon-Jae's body, but his mind is that of high school student Gyung-Joon. He walks out of the mortuary and sees Da-Ran crying in the hallway. Da-Ran is so happy to see Yoon-Jae alive, but he insists that he is Gyung-Joon. Gyung-Joon then wonders where his body is and finds that his body is unconscious and in the hospital. Gyung-Joon starts to panic and walks out of the hospital.
Da-Ran finds out Gyung-Joon's address and goes there. She finds Yoon-Jae's body laying down in the high school student's bed. She realizes that Gyun-Joon's mind is indeed in the body of her fiance Yoon-Jae.

Full credits to

Episode 1:
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16 (final)


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good times.

Alhamdulilah, it's been 2 months here I am in Unversity Putra Malaysia. I never thought I could survive until this far. Anyway, it is fun here yet really have to struggle in striving flying colours in my academics. 

As I always thought like this before , "Is it easy?" Comparing me and other foundation's student, I think mine is more preparing towards a Degree's student. 

Recently, I got my test 1's result. Geez, it is hard to get an A. Maybe I don't study much or I didn't understand that much or ... *speechless

I wonder how my lecturers mark my paper. Follow their mood or ..?
If only I could see how to attract marks in test. In few weeks then it is final. My goodness, time flies so fast. I'm nearly finishing my first semester here.

"Ya Allah, ya Tuhanku. Tunjukkanlah hamba mu ini, bagaimana nak lapangkan dada ketika gusar melanda diri ini. Ya Allah ya Rahim, terangkanlah hatiku untuk menerima ilmuMu yg luas. Ku mohon untuk berjaya dalam hidupku dan ku percaya setiap yang berlaku kepadaku, ada sesuatu hikmah yang terbaik untuk ku Ya Allah.
Amin. Ya Rabbal Al amin.
Doa tadi selalu dibacakan ketika aku gusar kerana keputusan ujian 1. Kadang-kadang buntu untuk memikirkan cara-cara untuk belajar di sini. 

The question that keeps popping in my mind, how does the one who got flying-colours result studies. I wonder how.

 Now, I'm on my Test 2's exam week. Ahh my physic starting tomorrow's night. Chapters covered in that test ..yeah not very much but still. haaa I can do it! Jyeah. Being positive is the most important. I really have to score this one. Play the game smart!

One more thing, July is my birth's month. Teehee. I really hope no one pranks me which I don't like it much. But I like to prank people hoho that's my problem. So that's my post for today.

24th July 2012, 7:11 p.m
Song of the day: Good Times by Owl City ft Carly Rae Jepsen.

[ To be truth, sometimes this song describe myself when I'm down ] 

Jyeah! My dream's cake, ohoho obviously I look alike demanding lady xD

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teen Top + Dal Shabet + U-kiss in Hari Belia Malaysia 2012

Dear Angels and KISSme,

Oh my goodness! I'm nearly fainted just now.
I think my prayer just been heard. I wish for Teen Top coming to Malaysia this year, 2012.
So I did sent plenty of fan videos to Teen Top through Starcall app.
Well, most of the video I showed my fangirl side towards C.A.P
I'm still can't believe the fact that they're coming here!!
On 26th May 2012.
On our Hari Belia :D
C.A.P aka Bang Minsoo.
I love you!
Well, you're the BEST bias I ever had.

And and U-kiss too.
Well, they're going to make their comeback soon this week yet they're coming here?!
Ohohoh Shin Dongho~
U-kiss hwaiting!
Dora dora xD

And lastly, our strong and almighty Block B!
I'm forever BBC happily to welcome them in Malaysia.
I guess we're lucky to have them on the same day Teen Top gonna perform here.

Date: 26 May 2012
Time: 3:00pm
Venue: Kenanga Wholesale City Mall


Me, Fara Adelina  looking forward 26th May 2012 as the most wonderful day in my entire life. Forever an angel, KISSme and BBC.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Teen Top in Studio C.

Fulls credits to for subbing it.THANKS to pikeyenny.

Well, I was just curious more about C.A.P so I watched this. It's so funny and my cheekbone is kinda hurt a bit cause I can't stop smiling and laughing cause the mixness of Block B's Zico and Mighty Mouth as the MC. Lol xD

Well, I'm a bit surprised when C.A.P missed a few line on the script. Well, after I heard it. I know he did it on purpose.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dream High 2 full episodes.

I think this drama can beat Glee. *evil laugh* Mian ;)
Haha I really in love with this new face of DREAM HIGH. I'm starting to become Kang Sora's fan + JB's fan + T-ara's Park Jiyeon's fan + 2AM's Jinwoon's fan + Ailee's fan + Sistar's Hyorin's fan :) Bhaha

Well, I really love these two couple:
Jinwoon & Jiyeon = Yoo Jin and Rian
JB & Sora = JB and Hae Sung

Well, here all the casts.

Well, let's see if you can find the pica below in what episode. It was jinja daebak xD
Seriously. I swear. *with teary eyes*

 Let's cut it out, okay. Enjoy the link below with popcorn. HAHA Dream High 2, hwaiting! xD

Link to the world of Dream High 2: [ credits to ]

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9 [LOVE part 5]

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12 [ propose epic]

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16 [ finale ]


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shut Up Flower Boy Band full episodes :)

꽃미남밴드: 안구정화 

Wohoo. Finally, I'm posting this drama here. It was jinja daebak. MUST WATCH drama :)
Starring of Lee Minki as Byung Hee [cameo ep 1-2  *cries*], Sung Joon as Ji Hyuk, Kim Myungsoo [L Infinite] as Hyun Soo, Hyun Jae as Jang Do Il, Kim Min Seok as Seo Kyung Jong, Yoo Min Kyu as Kim Ha Jin.

Eye Candy is a six member underground rock band led by Byung Hee. When the group transfers into the prestigious Jungsang High School, they find their rival, Strawberry Fields. This is a story about the two rock bands and how they deal with friendship, relationships, and their passion for music.

Link to the world of Shut Up Flower Boy Band: [credits to]

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8:

Episode 9:

Episode 10:

Episode 11:

Episode 12:

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

Episode 15:

Episode 16 finale:


So, anyone can request me to post any drama with english sub start from now on. I'll try to search on my favourite website like this one. Thanks for view my post and dont forget to leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Choc xpress [Now open for business]

Ohoho, we're just finished our high school so in spur of the moments..pops an idea to make chocolate gift during our leisure times.. 
May contains nuts. 
Our chocolate is made of white chocolate and dark chocolate.
So, you can choose, either you want white chocolate more or dark chocolate more :) 

 Price for one chocolate: RM 0.90

This one is more to white chocolate, but the price is the same.
For two chocolates: RM 2.00 [including the box]

Close-up view :)
This one is same as earlier, more to white chocolate.
 Three chocolates: RM 3.00 [including the box]

Close-up view.

This one is different from others.
 Four chocolates: RM 4.00 [including the box]

Close-up view.

And the quality of the chocolate I made is Gourmet chocolate. 
So, interested? Contact me : +6013-272 8635 (whatsapp or text only)

Please leave a comment.